There is a fundamental change taking place in terms of how corporations create value and arguably, in terms of the core architecture of the corporation. I think it’s the biggest change in a century in the ways that companies build relationships and interact with other entities, institutions in the economy and in society and arguably, the nature of the corporation itself.
– Don Tapscott
Sparksheet has an interview Rosie Allimonos, the woman responsible for taking the BBC multiplatform. Of particular interest were Allimonos’s dos and don’ts for building transmedia platforms.
They struck me as being required reading and points of departure for anyone in schooling who is beginning to dabble in this work. I could see people in education trying to move from flipped classrooms to some sort of transmedia approach teaching and doing it badly because they feel like what they’re doing is new and they are the pioneers. While it might be pioneering in education, it’s not pioneering for other sectors.
Teachers like to look at wheels invented by other professions and then spend years attempting to invent the education model of that wheel. I anticipate transmedia’s methods and affordances being a big draw for educators. I’m also hopeful they’ll approach the idea willing to learn from those who have come before, but by different paths.
The entirety of the interview is worth a read. If you’re pressed for time, here are Allimonos’s top tips for moving transplatform:
- Avoid appointment to view.
- Acknowledge the medium.
- Avoid leaving multiplatform to the end and to be involved right from the conception stage.
Those four provide enough to chew on for some time.